Brave and Not Alone

By Guest Writer Roy Salmond* 

The mom of a friend of mine lived in London during the Blitz of the Second World War.

As soon as my friend heard of the Queen’s passing this past week, she texted her mom. Her mom replied, reflecting on the Queen’s regular radio addresses to the children of London during the bombing attacks.

The Queen would say,

Children of London, be brave. God is with you.” 

My friend’s mom also said that those radio addresses were so calming and reassuring for her. 

After hearing this story, I pondered the Queen’s words.

She encouraged bravery, a virtue of endurance, also utilized in the heat of the moment. An action and behaviour that doesn’t give fear a foothold. 

She affirmed we are not alone, tapping into the universal need for each of us to sense and harness a power beyond ourselves to fortify our bravery against fear. Fear that feeds on our deep aversion to being alone. 

From stories such as this, I gain respect for the Queen. She had limited opportunity for control but an abundant opportunity for influence.  

What she seemed to instinctively or consciously understand was that her influence could root itself in the hearts of the children of London and the future of her country. She invested her influence well. 

Her encouragement to keep calm and carry on continues.   

Like the Queen, I have little control over what life throws my way, yet I do have opportunity for influence, and much of what I say and do, whether I’m aware or not, reflects the character and the quality of my being, nurturing the path ahead with my heart.

70 years after WWII the Queen recently said “Throughout my life, the message and teachings of Christ have been my guide and in them I find hope.”  Queen Elizabeth II, Aug 3, 2022.

Calm and reassuring.

Brave, and not alone.

*Roy Salmond is a record producer, working out of his studio Whitewater Productions in Vancouver Canada. He’s also a podcast co-host (, speaker and writer, penning the weekly arts and faith blog: Between The Notes. He is also a Partner with City in Focus.


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